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Calm in Colorado Mountain Scenery Free Photo 96465267
001 – Calm in Colorado Mountain Scenery Free Photo 96465267
Pinky Pink Rose Flowers 3346DSC
002 Pinky Pink Rose Flowers 3346DSC
002 BLUE Sunset Photo free!!!
003 BLUE Sunset Photo free!!!
004 Golden Glowing Yellow Sunset
004 Golden Glowing Yellow Sunset
005 Time to get Fit / Time to Workout
005 Time to get Fit / Time to Workout
006 Feels like a blue jean day / Feels like a casual day
006 Feels like a blue jean day / Feels like a casual day
007 Blue jean texture / Blue jean denim background photo
007 Blue jean texture / Blue jean denim background photo
008 FRee Red Lights / Red Lanterns photo -- you light up my life!
008 FRee Red Lights / Red Lanterns photo — you light up my life!
SONY DSC009 Too Cute Squirrel / Squirrel Posing for Camera
SONY DSC009 Too Cute Squirrel / Squirrel Posing for Camera
010 Out back in beautiful Utah / Utah rocks!!! (back to back red rocks)
010 Out back in beautiful Utah / Utah rocks!!! (back to back red rocks)
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011 Red Suitcase travel time!! Travel in the red!!
012 Gray White Glitter / Gray White Sequins free photo
012 Gray White Glitter / Gray White Sequins free photo
013 Brown Leather TExture / Brown Leather Background
013 Brown Leather TExture / Brown Leather Background
014 Stone wall / Stunning Stones of Texas
014 Stone wall / Stunning Stones of Texas
0015 Black and white tweed linen texture / background free to download anytime 24/7!
0015 Black and white tweed linen texture / background free to download anytime 24/7!
016 Glowing Green lights / Green Christmas Lights picture image (free to download 24/7)
016 Glowing Green lights / Green Christmas Lights picture image (free to download 24/7)
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Releasing Judgement – the KEY to Heaven on Earth Free yourself from Illusion

Releasing Judgement – the
KEY to Heaven on Earth
Free yourself from Illusion

If releasing yourself from judgement is the key to heaven on earth — the key to free yourself from illusion then how do you do it? I’m going to share a program with you to help you free your mind… free your mind from the debris that is clogging up your heart and lungs blocking them from the true breath of life, the true essence of you, the 100% true you.

This program will help you release past programming you have based around fear, abandonment, despair, frustration, irritation, lack of love — any negative emotions aka the grand illusion.

Spark Striking a Tent in the Snow

Take 100% Responsibility!!!
To take 100% responsibility, and I do mean 100% responsibility for yourself is our greatest challenge. The greatest challenge owing to each of us yet at the same time it offers the greatest freedom in the kingdom once achieved. Once achieved it frees you from the binding bondage that has held you captive all these years. For many of us that will be over 30 years!

So how do you free yourself from the bonds? How can you become “normal” — well more than normal really, become the shining star you were meant to be, your God loving self filled with the divine presence of God himself? That is the million dollar question!!! …and the lotto ticket to exit this game world and truly be set free.

Read on, please read on… to discover and uncover the answer your heart of hearts already knows, but cannot see because you seek with your eyes instead of your heart and hear with your ears instead of your heart!

You are a human BEing, not a human DOing so you are mostly made up of spirit and comprised secondly of matter. The matter is about 70% water so getting near a body of water is helpful, but of course there’s much more to it than that.

Now to take full 100% responsibility for oneself one must acknowledge that nothing is being “done to them”, but rather being “done for them” in a sense. That people are not coming into your life to bug you but that you are allowing them to bug you because you are not yet full of God’s essence, your true divine spirit — the essential grace of God.

The Key to Understanding
The key to understanding this is the key to unlocking your true full God given potentiality (in another realm) in heaven. Inviting heaven to reside within you. It is a matter of continually constructing and reconstructing your heart. After all aren’t you sick and tired of being sick and tired? It’s time to kick the old tires to the curb and go for a new test drive with a new heart of gold.

Now for heaven to reside within one, one must know the difference between heaven and hell. Hell is created using judgement. Judgement of others and judgement of ones self. You, yourself must seek freedom from all judgement so you too can experience heaven on earth.

Much like taking a daily shower, this is a shower for you soul, you heart and soul. To remove the errors in your thinking, thoughts and deeds. Errors in your words and actions. For your words eventually become your actions and your actions show where your heart is at.

Essentially this is the path to freedom, 100% freedom from your past errors and erroneous thinking rathe than loving, loving all that is.

“Peace begins with you!”

If you don’t believe anything I’ve written here please look up the book by Dr. Emoto about water. Click this link to see it:  Water Crystals  Please also watch this video:

Water Crystals – Water Experiments

Dr. Emoto not only tells us, but he shows us how water is effected by the words we use and pray over. After looking at his images which show water crystals and how they are effected by positive vibrations / prayer / words and negative vibrations you can begin to see how our bodies are also effected in the same way since we are over 70% water. To sum it up, everything is energy, either positive or negative, so what are you… what is judgement? Is it positive or negative? What do you want to be?

Judgement is a form of negative energy in that it opposes love. Judgement separates us from others, instead of bringing us together as love does. Together with love.

Yes, you need to take action. Yes, you can start today and yes the sooner you start the better your life will get. We will get to the program shortly, but please read this first.

A million dollars could not express the joy you will feel once you free yourself from judging all people and things. Think of it this way, if God was sitting beside you and you judged something wouldn’t that judgement be an insult to his creative efforts and to Him?

Now this isn’t like setting a new year’s resolution on January 1st and then breaking it by January 2nd or 3rd. This is something which needs to be integrated into your very essence. Your every day thinking and everyday way of being so it’s automatic. It is not a failure if it doesn’t happen right away. You do not fail the test if you don’t make it through a day. Day by day you will get better, just realize that. Better at releasing all judgement. Like the courts of heaven you will escape judgement yourself if you stop judging others. Avoid the courts of heaven by letting your judgements go now, today!

You may be surprised what lies around the corner. Just around the corner you will find the golden rainbow of life like a silver lining in a heavenly cloud. Refined as gold yu will become.

Book an appointment with your higher self today. Dont’ delay! Book 10-12 minutes to do this exercise, an exercise that has saved thousands if not millions of lives I’m sure. Read on to discover how to move from (1) victim to (2) creating your own life for the better and finally (3) being of service to others and our great Creator, Mother / Father God.

Are you thirsty for the truth? Thirsty for the knowledge to heal yourself and become a healing power to and through others?

Cleaning / Clearing Exercise
It’s time to put your good intentions to good use. It’s time to clear what’s blocking you, to unblock your hidden most loving God given potential.

When you look in the mirror what do you see? Look in the mirror and write down 3 things you see. Now look a second time and write down 3 more things you see (for a total of 6). Are they good or bad? Good and bad is not as black and white as it seems sometimes. Good and bad to who? Who says so?

Note, that you are looking through your own unique lens and filter that has been programmed since you were in your mother’s womb. If you asked a parent to do this or a friend would they see the same thing(s)? Maybe, maybe not. The would probably notice 1, 2 or 3 of the same things and then the rest may be different. Why wouldn’t they see the exact same things? That’s a good question. Many of us have been programmed to believe a lie. To believe that only perfectly straight teeth are beautiful or that only a petite nose is nice. Says who right? Says society? The society that fails to replenish our soul because only we ourselves can replenish our soul. So why did we let society train our thoughts through advertising and media? It’s time to re-train our thoughts into a soulful expression of who we are truly meant to be.

The goal is to reach a zero state where everything and anything is possible.

Zero is nothing (no – thing).

Now go back to your childhood and think of a terrifying moment, a sad tearful moment. Now go into the moment for a minute or 2 or 3 up to 5 minutes let’s say. Go into the moment as though you are right there reliving it, reliving every emotion, every tear, every sadness or upset. Now right down what happened and how you felt. Did you feel scared, alone, afraid, like you were sinking or falling? Were you tearful, embarrassed, humiliated? Write it all down. Angry, sad, whatever you felt write it down. Now do you know someone, a brother or sister or friend let’s say who had a similar experience. Maybe even a stranger you read about or heard about. Did they have the exact same feelings you did? No, not exactly. No two people having a similar experience have the exact same emotions because each person comes to the table with their own viewing lens, their own perspective. This perspective is built from childhood. From childhood experiences you had where you formed judgement around each incident. Do you see where I’m going with this… we all know two kids who grew up in the same household with the same parents and yet each one sees things differently. So you see you have a CHOICE! You don’t get to choose what happens to you, but you have a choice on how you choose to respond. Good news don’t you think? Now that you’re all grown up you can choose to choose differently. Change the programming and change your life!

Failure is not an option
For example, failure is really just a belief. Choose to succeed instead, choose not to believe the lie. What if I told you there are no failures, just different attempts, different experiences you draw to yourself so you can learn. Maybe what you saw as a failure was really your soul saying this isn’ the best path to take right now or I don’t want this right now.

Now I want you to look at that same moment and see if you can see it from a another perspective. Let’s take the example of you falling off your bike followed by crying and tears streaming down your face and feeling hurt. What if instead, you fell off your bike and said “hey I”m still alive and look how strong I am as I fell off my bike and am still standing, standing tall. I’m a hero!” Someone who overcame an obstacle — scratch that — don’t even see it as an obstacle. Instead just see it as an event, just another part of your day. You get the idea right? You are an overcomer, a master of your emotions as in self mastery. It’s time to dream a new dream. There’s no need to burn the candlestick at both ends. Just burn the candlestick up top so you can shine your light and shine it bright. Bright as the morning glory star you were meant to be, Glory to God!

“I love you!”

That’s the phrase, that’s it! That’s the phrase that will get you through everything, the phrase that enlightens all and will light up your life. Pretty simple eh?

The soul train is departing… leaving the station, do you have your ticket? Grab your hat and take the soul train ride today.

And now we get to the magical root of healing. The root of healing yourself so you can heal others.

  1. I love you
  2. I’m sorry
  3. Please forgive me

I first heard about this program around 2009 – 2010. It is so powerful. Power to you in using it for healing yourself and healing others.

This is the blueprint to bringing white light into your very being and life. The white light of healing and love.

When I was about 12 or 13 (ok maybe I was 14), I can’t remember exactly but I’ll never forget the teach who gave me a bookmark that said, “you’re a real go-getter!” It made me feel so great but that’s besides the point. The point is don’t you want to be a real go-getter about getting your heart in order, about getting healed. Sure you do! Just say yes today!

Think of it this way, “I love you” is your wireless connection to the divine and frees you from pain and painful memories from the past. Now let’s get started shall we?

First things first, you must acknowledge that every time you have a problem you are present aren’t you? Well yes! So are you now capable and willing to be 100% responsible for the problems in your life so you can 100% resolve those problems and let it go? Say yes so you can move forward in your healing today. Your goal will be to transmute any unloving thoughts into loving thoughts, any erroneous thoughts into error free thoughts so you can transform yourself into the perfect light being you were meant to be.

Correcting your Error in Thoughts
Now pick a problem that’s less than loving that you’d like to solve. Whether your son is a drug addict, your mother gets on your nerves, the neighbour is bugging you with his lawnmower or someone is stalking you.

Now I want you to take your mind and connect it with the Divine (true love / God essence). You can picture a white light emanating from the top of your head upwards, beaming up to the heavens if you will like a wireless wifi connection to God available 24/7. Now simply ask the divine (love / Mother Father God Creator) “what are my error in thoughts that are creating this problem for myself and for my (fill in the blank)_________________ (son, neighbour, mother). This is above forgiveness and forgiving, repentance and repenting, change and changing your thoughts and actions. Now you would say “I’m sorry for the error of my thoughts inside me that have caused this problem for me and my ________________. Please forgive me.”

Now the Divine love begins transmuting the thought patterns, neutralizing the negative emotions that have caused the problem (whether it is despair, frustration, irritation, fear, confusion, anger, sadness, resentment or blame). The Divine love lets go the the neutralized energies leaving a state of freedom from anything less than love. A void, an emptiness if you will is instilled instead. Now the Divine love Mother Father God our creator can fill that free state / void of emptiness in the person doing the healing as well as the person you had the problem with!

You see, you are the creator of your everyday life in every way! If your thoughts are pure and loving, than that’s how your day will go. Take the cancer out of your thoughts now to start anew. Cancerous thoughts need to be extracted immediately. You are 100% responsible for your everyday in every way!

Nothing (no – thing) is out there, outside of you. It is from the inside / insight of you projected to the outside world to create your exterior, your lens of life / vision of life. Seek the light and the light will find you. Won’t you find it today? See with your heart. Rent a space inside your heart to see the world through eyes of love and more love.

Awaken to love and awaken to the giant within yourself.
It’s important to note the creator of this program cured people without even seeing them! That’s right he never saw them!! (This is not a hoax). He even managed to close an entire mental hospital down by using this program.

Isn’t it time for a breakthrough. To break through to your true divine essence rooted in pure love.

Book your appointment today! Don’t delay, book an appointment with the Divine all knowing spirit of love! Don’t miss out! Don’t miss the miracle of healing , miraculous healing!

The greatest part is that God’s divine love and healing is available 24/7! He doesn’t need an appointment, but you do!

Losing weight
Many of us have a few extra pounds we would like to lose right? Let’s say you need to shed 15-20 pounds. Let’s try the program now for weight loss. Here’s what one may say… (talking to the body)

  1. I love you
  2. I love everything you do for me each and every day
  3. I love the way you move
  4. I love your heart
  5. I love our essence
  6. I love you (remember you are talking to your body)
  7. I love how flexible and strong you are
  8. I’m sorry
  9. I’m sorry for not acknowledging you more
  10. I’m sorry for not thanking you more often
  11. I’m sorry for not appreciating you more
  12. I’m sorry for not feeding you nutritiously
  13. I’m sorry for not blessing the food that enters you
  14. I’m sorry for not acknowledging your thirst for pure water and confusing it with hunger (since many times when we eat we are really thirsty and not really hungry)
  15. please forgive me for not being more understanding
  16. please forgive me for not being in time with what you need
  17. please forgive me for not listening
  18. please forgive me being abusive
  19. please forgive me not loving you and appreciating you more
  20. please forgive me for my error in ways
  21. please forgive my judgement of you

Sending your body a message love will alleviate your need to overeat. Everything and anything you can do to fill yourself up with love will make you feel more full so you won’t feel the urge to eat or overeat so much.

Prayer of Gratitude
You may also wish to do a prayer of gratitude to thank your body for all it’s wonderful ways it has supported you for the past years. May we pray?

  1. Thank you for supporting me
  2. Thank you for breathing day in and day out
  3. Thank you for my heart of gold
  4. Thank you for processing nourishment for me (like a well oiled machine!)
  5. Thank you for my mindful mind
  6. Thank you for being flexible
  7. Thank you for being you
  8. Thank you for your effortless motion
  9. Thank you for typing
  10. Thank you for jogging
  11. Thank you for keeping fit
  12. Thank you for sitting upright
  13. Thank you for meditating
  14. Thank you for understanding me!!!
  15. Thank you for the joy I feel running throughout my body
  16. Thank you for the smiles and laughter
  17. Thank you for strength
  18. Thank you for stretching
  19. Thank you for waking up each morning
  20. Thank you for voicing my thoughts
  21. Thank you for walking

…and so on and so on. You get the idea right? There is no right or wrong here, it’s all about being appreciative for every little thing or big thing your body does for you each and every day.

You can even go through each body part (back, neck, arms, legs, toes, feet, fingers, stomach, heart, lungs, head, mind, teeth, gums, etc.) and thank every single one for what they do for you.

Here’s a few to get you started… say each two lines three times each for each body part.

  1. Thank you back for bending to my every need
  2. Thank you back for being flexible
  1. Thank you arms for lifting effortlessly
  2. Thank you arms for helping me to drive
  1. Thank you neck for looking left and right
  2. Thank you neck for carrying my face upright
  1. Thank you legs for helping me stand
  2. Thank you legs for bending easily at the knees
  1. Thank you lungs for breathing easy with joy and love
  2. Thank you lungs for helping me get from point A to point B (in re to walking)
  1. Thank you heart for beating with love
  2. Thank you heart for pumping my blood through all my veins
  1. Thank you fingers for typing
  2. Thank you fingers for being flexible
  1. Thank you head for thinking for me
  2. Thank you head for carrying my eyes to see and ears to hear
  1. Thank you gums for housing my teeth securely
  2. Thank you gums for helping my teeth to eat

I will create another post for various diseases (dis-ease = lack of ease) and words to use to help you overcome these things.

Your Vehicle
Your body deserves love and thanks too. After all it is the vehicle that carries you through each and every day and yet we take it for granted many times. In a sense it is more important than our car and yet many of us spend more time giving our car an oil change than we do appreciating our bodies. So start thanking your body today.

You can even email yourself! It’s a great way to start the day and then you can re-read it at a later date.

Call the Divine (remember it’s free 24/7) and ask for your inner programming / inner dialogue to be programmed with love and all else released. (All that is less than love let go).

This is zero point. Memory free, free of bad memories, program and wiring.

Align to Divinity
Draw your line to Divinity
A-line to Divinity

Won’t you take this opportunity for freedom today? This opportunity to free your mind.

This technique (I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me aka Ho’oponopono) was created by Dr. Ihaleaka Hew Len. He has been teaching Ho’oponopono since 1983. Dr. Hew Len says, “My job here on earth is twofold. My job is first of all to make amends. My second job is to awaken people who might be asleep. Almost everyone is asleep! The only way I can awaken them is to work on myself.” (from the book Zero Limits).

Tuning up & into your Tune
Since our tune effects everyone around us it is time to “tune” your instrument today. Today is the day to “fine tune” your inner instrument with peace and love, love and joy.

Open the window to awaken your divine insight, your divine love so you may see the real world. Awaken your divine power. Allow your inner flower to blossom and bloom. It’s your ticket back to basics, your ticket to transformation.

On Awakening…
The signature of your subconscious is what wants to be transformed while your conscious mind (ego) may keep batting you down. The signature of your soul is rent from the subconscious. So own your subconscious — 100% responsibility in other words so you can stop paying the rent and own your soul conscious. This is the key to reaching your superconscious mind, the mind that connects to the Divine. This is the passport to Divine intelligence to freedom of every kind.

Rather than rewind the old tapes you want to erase them altogether and do some positive programming with Ho’oponopono.

Dr. Hew Len explains in the book Zero Limits with Joe Vitale that your brain is like a computer… when you erase something from your computer where does it go? To the recycling bin some would say, but really where does it go? It’s still on your computer, but it’s out of sight. Your memories are like that too. They are often out of sight, but still within you, within your subconscious. What you want to do is erase them completely and permanently.

So basically you can live your life from (1.) past memory or (2.) divine inspiration.

To hear the divine one must clean, clean and clean the smoke out their ears to truly hear.

No memories = zero memories
Zero memories = Zero limits

= limitless!

Eliminate the pain, get pain free!

Clean, clean, clean to reach a state of zero limits.

In the face of suffering you can have comfort, a sincere comforter with the technique of Ho’oponopono. Comfort in calling upon Divine love.

JOHN 3:30-31 “He must increase, but I must decrease. He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all.”

Testimony of Divine Love
JOHN 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He fave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

On a personal note…
Now from this journey of reading I come to a new inspiration myself a new healing phrase to share with you all and please feel free to share this with friends and family too.

It goes like this… I want to encourage you to read these OUT LOUD! It will go into your spirit by reading it, but it will go into all of your body plus your spirit (your soul essence) by reading it OUT LOUD! (…plus it will be heard in the heavens above).

  1.  I am worthy
  2. You are worthy
  3. We are worthy
  4. I am loving
  5. You are loving
  6. We are loving
  7. I am healthy
  8. You are healthy
  9. We are healthy (mentally and emotionally especially)

It’s about uniting 2 hearts so they become 1!

The “I” is a prayer for yourself
The “You” is a prayer for someone else (especially someone you don’t get along with)
The “We” is about uniting 2 as 1

You can do this for any of the positively positive emotions listed here at: (just click the link) Positively Positive Words

This article is my personal understanding of the first 47 pages of the book Zero Limits by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph D combined with some exercises I felt inspired to create while reading this book.  The DVD is available here:

Zero Limits DVD and Zero Limits . org

Special thanks to Joe Vitale and Ihaliakala Hew Len for sharing their heartfelt knowledge and talents to make the world a better place.

May a hunger be stirred deep inside of your belly, the belly of your soul for healing to fill that inner hunger with love, divine love.

Bring HOPE to a child in need today… won’t you become a beacon of Light and hope today? Visit or  

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews


You Can Be An Angel of Hope


3 Key Gratitude Prayers you can say today!

Thank you sign and letters on laptop computer keyboard thanks giving concept 3d illustration.
Thank you sign and letters on laptop computer keyboard thanks giving concept 3d illustration.

#1 – Gratitude Prayer
Always be thankful!!! Say YES now!

Thank you Lord for the grass so green,
Thank you Lord for the sky so blue,
Thank you God for you!!

Thank you for the roses so red,
Thank you for the purple violets,
Thank you for the bright orange poppies!

Thank you God for you!

Thank you Jesus for the inspiration,
the inspiration to be just like you!

Thank you God for the chocolaty brown brownies,
for the deep rich coffee and tasty tea
Thank you God for me!

Coffee or tea it's all good to me!!! Be thankful today for the good things that come your way.
Coffee or tea it’s all good to me!!! Be thankful today for the good things that come your way.

#2 – A Happy Camper

To be a happy camper
oh to be!! You and me times three…

To be so happy and joyous
to construct a heart of gold

To shimmer like light
like light so white

instead of darkness
instead of darkness

To stand in God’s glory
To stand full of God’s glory

Oh to be a happy camper,
oh to be!!

Be a happy camper! Be a happy camper today!!
Be a happy camper! Be a happy camper today!!

#3 – Alarming Alarms / Glittering Golden Gates await

Emergency 911 to do declare
the alarms are ringing
but don’t despair

Despair not though little or big
for help is imminent
Help is on the way!

Depress the brakes
Depress the spirit not!
for help is on the way

The trees so green
the bay so blue
parting the gray clouds away

The golden yellow sun rays shine bright
to lighten up your day
to light up life and soul

For your soul to shine forth
Like shiny silver and glittering gold
Golden like tomorrow

Tomorrow’s new golden age
the golden path leading away
up, up and away

Like a balloon shooting up
Shooting straight up in the sky

The key to happiness
The key to success

To unlock success
To unlock the golden gates.

child to prepare for the trip
Think outside the box… way outside the box!!!

KEY Positively Positive Affirmations for Today, Tomorrow…to Eternity – part 3/3

KEY Positively Positive Affirmations for Today, Tomorrow…to Eternity – part 3/3

Encompassing Compassion NEW Positively Positive Affirmations to try!
Encompassing Compassion NEW Positively Positive Affirmations to try!

Well-come! It’s time to break free and forget about old one way only thought patterns that no longer serve your greater good, humanity at large and the greater good of this earth… don’t you agree? Please, if you have not read part 1 or 2 of positively positive key affirmations (especially if you are a sensitive or empath) please go back and read them. These back to back key affirmations are designed to help you transmit a higher vibration, to help you remember who you really were meant to be, by releasing the arm of negative thought patterns. Negative thought patterns that are not serving your higher purpose or soul and giving you the upper hand in your life to create magical experiences. So you can steadily step into a more positive vibration as soon as possible and unlock your true soul essence by changing your “master program” within, to reprogram your “instrument” as well as fulfill your inner hunger to ascend, bringing yourself one step closer with this roadmap to self mastery…

Note: These affirmations were inspired by the book, Feelings Buried alive Never die… by Karol K. Truman. (copyright 1991, 2003 Olympus Distributing, 11th printing 2005)

These affirmations and words are here to help you unblock your blind spots to love and happiness, to help you find your heart of gold, to get off that big roller coaster ride to release the root of any unbearable pain (or especially forgotten pain still festering within you) and to help you reverse illness, reverse mental illness, emotional and physical illness. They are designed to help you get on the positive path to wellness and wholeness so you can move into and remember your higher purpose like a finely tuned instrument. An instrument waiting to come out and play… an instrument so unique nobody has heard it before. Won’t you hear the call and answer today? Face the challenge to overcome obstacles head-on! Face the facts… No delusions, just 100% truth. Don’t miss this big boat ride… this roller coaster of new twists and turns and don’t look back!

It's time to get off the roll coaster ride of pain -- let all the pain go!!!
It’s time to get off the roll coaster ride of pain — let all the pain go!!!

The positively positive affirmations can be done while driving in your car, once you have them memorized (caution: do not read these while driving) or looking in the mirror at home can also be effective. The goal is to irreversibly change your polarized pattern of thinking and reprogram your will to serve a higher purpose. It’s time to purify our hearts and fully awaken the forgotten signature of your soul to the gifts beyond what the naked eye can be see.

Spending 5 minutes to 1/2 an hour on these day by day can add up to the best investment you’ve ever made. A priceless investment in yourself!

Please feel free to email this link to your friends and family.

2 COR 1:20
2 COR 1:20

261 I choose to be sane and together
262 I feel sane and together
263 I am sane and together

264 I choose to be orderly (organized / systematic)
265 I feel orderly
266 I am orderly

267 I choose to be fearless
268 I feel fearless
269 I am fearless

A tired depressed woman sitting under a big tree in the park. Affirmations to overcome being depressed.
A tired depressed woman sitting under a big tree in the park. Affirmations to overcome being depressed.

270 I choose to be brave (valiant / courageous)
271 I feel brave
272 I am brave

273 I choose to succeed
274 I feel like succeeding
275 I am succeeding

276 I choose to know I am capable
277 I feel capable
278 I am capable

279 I choose to be passionate
280 I feel passionate
281 I am passionate

Feeling frigid, these affirmations can help you take 2 steps forward and release that frigid feeling. Won't you take a step today!
Feeling frigid, these affirmations can help you take 2 steps forward and release that frigid feeling. Won’t you take the first step today!

282 I choose to understand
283 I feel like understanding
284 I am understanding

285 I choose courage and purpose
286 I feel courageous and purposeful
287 I am courageous and purposeful

288 I choose to move forward with grace and ease
289 I feel like moving forward with grace and ease
290 I am moving forward with grace and ease

291 I choose to be content
292 I feel content
293 I am content

911 Emergency rescue for the home of your heart & soul.
911 Emergency rescue for the home of your heart & soul.

294 I choose to be hopeful
295 I feel hopeful
296 I am hopeful

297 I choose to be comforted
298 I feel comforted
299 I am comforted

If feeling hurt, use this positive affirmation to help you step forward from hurt feelings.
If feeling hurt, use this positive affirmation to help you step forward from hurt feelings.

300 I choose to be warm hearted
301 I feel warm hearted
302 I am warm hearted

303 I choose to be calm, (cool and collected)
304 I feel calm
305 I am calm

306 I choose to be patient and accepting
307 I feel patient and accepting
308 I am patient and accepting

309 I choose to feel peaceful and serene
310 I feel peaceful and serene
311 I am peaceful and serene

Aren't you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Aren’t you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

312 I choose to be tranquil (and calm)
313 I feel tranquil
314 I am tranquil

315 I choose to feel linked (united)
316 I feel linked
317 I am linked

318 I choose to be cared about and honoured
319 I feel cared about and honoured
320 I am cared about and honoured

321 I choose to feel secure
322 I feel secure
323 I am secure

3 John 1:2
3 John 1:2

324 I choose to feel happy and blessed (fortunate)
325 I feel happy and blessed
326 I am happy and blessed

327 I choose to be upright and noble (respectable)
328 I feel upright
329 I am upright

330 I choose to be wholesome
331 I feel wholesome
332 I am wholesome

333 I choose to be merciful
334 I feel merciful
335 I am merciful

336 I choose to validate myself
337 I feel validated
338 I am validated

339 I choose to be strong and steadfast
340 I feel strong and steadfast
341 I am strong and steadfast

There are things you want to quite and some things you don't want to quit... you decide before its too late!!!
There are things you want to quite and some things you don’t want to quit… you decide before its too late!!!

342 I choose to be cooperative
343 I feel cooperative
344 I am cooperative

345 I choose to be relaxed
346 I feel relaxed
347 I am relaxed

348 I choose to be cherished
349 I feel cherished
350 I am cherished

351 I choose to be good natured
352 I feel good natured
353 I am good natured

354 I choose to be peaceful
355 I feel peaceful
356 I am peaceful

Feeling low key , tormented by anguish and pain, try these affirmations to release the anguish and pain step by step.
Feeling low key , tormented by anguish and pain, try these affirmations to release the anguish and pain step by step!!!

357 I choose to be faithful (sincere)
358 I feel faithful
359 I am faithful

360 I choose to be endurable (victorious)
361 I feel endurable
362 I am endurable

363 I choose to be armed (with truth / courage)
364 I feel armed
365 I am armed

Arm yourself with these positive affirmations -- like a suit of armour!!!
Arm yourself with these positive affirmations — like a suit of armour!!!

366 I choose to be relaxed
367 I feel relaxed
368 I am relaxed

369 I choose to be relenting
370 I feel relenting
371 I am relenting

372 I choose to be jovial (serene)
373 I feel jovial
374 I am jovial

375 I choose to be emotionally well
376 I feel emotionally well
377 I am emotionally well

Feeling unstable? Try these affirmations to help steady and stabilize yourself day by day.
Feeling unstable? Try these affirmations to help steady and stabilize yourself day by day.

378 I choose to feel included (needed, appreciated)
379 I feel included
380 I am included

381 I choose to be accepting
382 I feel accepting
383 I am accepting

384 I choose to be transparent and 100% honest
385 I feel transparent and 100% honest
386 I am transparent and 100% honest

Angry elderly man

387 I choose to feel light
388 I feel light
389 I am light

390 I choose to feel loved and appreciated
391 I feel loved and appreciated
392 I am loved and appreciated (by the Creator God)

Feeling alone - affirmations to overcome feeling alone.
Feeling alone – affirmations to overcome feeling alone.

KEY Positively Positive Affirmations for Today, Tomorrow…to Eternity! Part 2/3

KEY Positively Positive Affirmations for Today, Tomorrow… to Eternity!   part 2/3

These new positively positive key affirmations are especially designed to reprogram your inner heart and the seed of the mind and especially helpful if you are a sensitive, an empath, a whistleblower (who loves 100% truth) and want to be of service to the higher self / soul as well as others. The goal is to see with the eyes of your heart and become like hearted, not just like minded. This is essential to finding your loving divine essence.

Simply choose 3 or 4 of these back to back affirmations to say on any given day or go through the list day by day and re-awaken and free your true divine essence of love.

These will help to eliminate the “emotional parasites” within… the goal is to reverse engineer your inner thought patterns.

126 I choose to feel cherished
127 I feel cherished
128 I am cherished

129 I choose to feel upheld
130 I feel upheld
131 I am upheld

132 I choose to feel precious
133 I feel precious
134 I am precious

Scared woman is looking through the blinds (window). Having bruise on her face
Overcoming fear.  Fearful woman  looking through the blinds (window). Having bruise on her face

135 I choose to feel reassured
136 I feel reassured
137 I am reassured

138 I choose to be enlightened
139 I feel enlightened
140 I am enlightened

141 I choose feeling connected
142 I feel connected
143 I am connected

Feeling alone - affirmations to overcome feeling alone.
Feeling alone – affirmations to overcome feeling alone.

144 I choose to feel accepted and loved
145 I feel accepted and loved
146 I am accepted and loved

147 I choose to feel warm and caring
148 I feel warm and caring
149 I am warm and caring

150 I choose to feel forward and progressive
151 I feel forward and progressive
152 I am forward and progressive

153 I choose to feel good
154 I feel good
155 I am good

156 I choose to feel blessed
157 I feel blessed
158 I am blessed

159 I choose being polite and courteous
160 I feel polite and courteous
161 I am polite and courteous

162 I choose to be assertive and confident
163 I feel assertive and confident
164 I am assertive and confident

165 I choose to see things clearly
166 I feel like seeing things clearly
167 I am seeing things clearly

168 I choose plenty of room (thoughts of)
169 I feel there is plenty of room
170 I am noticing plenty of room

child to prepare for the trip
child to prepare for the trip

171 I choose to be forgiving and peaceful
172 I feel forgiving and peaceful
173 I am forgiving and peaceful

174 I choose to be invigorated and energized
175 I feel invigorated and energized
176 I am invigorated and energized

177 I choose to breathe freely
178 I feel like breathing freely
179 I am breathing freely

180 I choose to be genial
181 I feel genial
182 I am genial

183 I choose to be cooperative
184 I feel cooperative
185 I am cooperative

186 I choose to be free
187 I feel free
188 I am free

189 I choose to be a YES man / woman
190 I feel YES! and agreeable
191 I am YES! and agreeable

192 I choose to be happy
193 I feel happy
194 I am happy

A tired depressed woman sitting under a big tree in the park. Affirmations to overcome being depressed.
A tired depressed woman sitting under a big tree in the park. Affirmations to overcome being depressed.

195 I choose to be joyful
196 I feel joyful
197 I am joyful

198 I choose to be full of life
199 I feel full of life
200 I am full of life

201 I choose to be kind and honest
202 I feel kind and honest
203 I am kind and honest

204 I choose to be blissful
205 I feel blissful
206 I am blissful

207 I choose to be harmonious
208 I feel harmonious
209 I am harmonious

210 I choose to be peppy
211 I feel peppy
212 I am peppy

213 I choose to letting go
214 I feel like letting go
215 I am letting go

216 I choose to be organized
217 I feel organized
218 I am organized

219 I choose to be focused
220 I feel focused
221 I am focused

222 I choose to be mellow
223 I feel mellow
224 I am mellow

225 I choose to be reassured
226 I feel reassured
227 I am reassured

228 I choose to be relaxed
229 I feel relaxed
230 I am relaxed

231 I choose to be flexible
232 I feel flexible
233 I am flexible

234 I choose to be steadfast
235 I feel steadfast
236 I am steadfast

237 I choose to be serene
238 I feel serene
239 I am serene

Overcome fear, stress & confusion
Fearful confused little girl.  Affirmations to overcome fear, stress & confusion, depression.

240 I choose to be strong minded
241 I feel strong minded
242 I am strong minded

243 I choose to be light hearted
244 I feel light hearted
245 I am light hearted

246 I choose to be energetic
247 I feel energetic
248 I am energetic

249 I choose to be sweet
250 I feel sweet
251 I am sweet

252 I choose to be hopeful
253 I feel hopeful
254 I am hopeful

255 I choose to be peaceful and loving
256 I feel peaceful and loving
257 I am peaceful and loving

258 I choose feeling peaceful
259 I feel peaceful
260 I am peaceful

Eliminate negativity!!! No Negativity words on a road construction barrier or sign to illustrate that only positive attitudes, good moods and outlooks are allowed.
Eliminate negativity!!! No Negativity words on a road construction barrier or sign to illustrate that only positive attitudes, good moods and outlooks are allowed.

Raise your Vibrational Frequency – Raising your Vibration for 3rd Eye Protection

This article was inspired by a video by jbittersweet.  Special thanks to bittersweet!  Please also watch the video here:  Raise your Vibrational Frequency – Raising your Vibration for 3rd Eye Protection

Everything is vibrating at a certain frequency since everything is made up of energy – frequency is everything!!!  From lights to plants, animals, you, me… me and you!

Raise your Vibrational Frequency – Raising your Vibration for 3rd Eye Protection

Thoughts and emotions vibrate at various levels, positive thoughts and emotions vibrate at a higher level than negative thoughts and emotions.  Being cautious and cautionary thoughts and emotions vibrate a different level than happy thoughts and emotions.

Happier thoughts = higher vibrations = divine awakening & ultimate divinity.

Avoid anger and hatred and all negative thought waves and transmute them into positive thought waves.  Here’s 13 techniques to help you raise your vibration.

3rd eye protection - raise your frequency
3rd eye protection – raise your frequency

Technique # 1:  Do something that makes you feel really good and is good for you!  Feeling good is the key to being happy and being happy is the key to raising your vibration just like Jesus did.  He teaches us the I AM that I AM is within each of us and that unlocking the I AM that I AM in each of us is part of knowing God and connecting with Source.

Technique # 2:  Wear natural stone crystals and / or surround yourself and your home with natural stone crystals.  Carrying a crystal in your pocket is one easy way to help raise your vibration or wearing a crystal stone bracelet.  You may also wish to surround your home in crystals and even your car.  To pick a stone crystal simply hold one in your hand and see if it feels good.  Don’t think about it too much, but instead go with the feeling.  If it feels good it’s probably good for you / what you need.  Different crystals will resonate with different people depending on your current personal vibration and energy makeup since each person has their own unique makeup.

Technique # 3:  Pay attention to your thoughts and words and do not gossip about others, but instead replace all your thoughts and words with positively positive ones.  Visit this link with positively positive affirmations to help get you started:  Positively Positive Affirmations for today, tomorrow…   Heaven is what you create within your very being, your essential essence.  Aside from no sin, nothing negative exists in heaven.  Only positive loving ideas, thoughts and emotions.  So set aside anything not “heavenly” in nature.

Technique # 4:  Take a mindful shower!  Being mindful means paying attention to little things and appreciating these little things that we often take for granted.  For example:

  1. a cute cat / dog
  2. a blue bird
  3. a red robin
  4. the gorgeous green grass
  5. golden yellow sunshine
Cute cat & dog
Cute cat & dog

Technique # 5: Eat Healthy Foods and eat light to be right.  Eating vegetarian and fruit, eggs and nuts is far better for you than eating heavy meat which will weigh you down.  Weighing you down takes away from your inner light as does harming animals that are involved in the meat production process.  This is a tough one for many, but if you can start by doing it 2 or 3 x’s per week then your tastes will change and you’ll see some positive results which will help motivate you.  As you become more conscious of what happens to the animals you may decide you just aren’t attracted to animal meat anymore.  Also keep in mind that the body only uses food that carries light in it like leafy green vegetables and brightly coloured fruit for example.  Other types of food are mostly just for pleasure and weigh you down diminishing your inner light.

Technique # 6:  Help others and share!  Helping others always feels good and it will get you beyond thinking about yourself.  Think outside of the box.  Helping someone carry a box or just opening the door for them can be a great help and so simple.  Little helpful things like this can go a long way, especially if someone is already having a long day!

Technique # 7:  Be thankful!  Sounds simple right?  But how often do we take little things for granted instead of realizing there are likely a million people who would trade places with us if they had the chance.  Yes, a million!  Just think about that.  Thank you for this delicious cup of coffee, thank you for this mouthwatering meal, thank you for savoury sweet!

Technique # 8:  Listen to high vibration music like 528 Mghz which you can find on YouTube and avoid listening to music rooted in lower vibrations like anger and hatred.  Try listening to this one for starters:  Spiritual Love – Raising Your Vibrational Frequency Into A Field Of Pure Love  special thanks to pathofspirituality.

Technique # 9.  Share.  Sharing always feels good and it doesn’t have to be something big.  Sometimes the little things, like sharing a smile are priceless compared to bigger things which may cost more $$$.  You may also like to share your knowledge or share your resources.

Technique # 10.  Keep fit and exercise.  Keeping fit helps to release those natural “happy” feel good chemicals in your brain and it’s free!  Free to go walking anytime any day so take advantage of this.  Put on your red hat and dance away!

Technique # 11.  Connect with nature as often as possible.  Nature is God’s natural healer available to all of us 24/7 day in and day out so get back to nature as often as possible.

Connect with nature - pretty red rose flowers.
Connect with nature – pretty red rose flowers.

Technique # 12.  Play with animals or kids.  Playing with animals or kids unveils unconditional love and who couldn’t use some unconditional love even if it’s just for 5 to 10 minutes.  It will help you to be a happy camper!!

Technique # 13.  Get your house in order!  Get your mind, body and soul in order too!  Cleaning always takes a bit of energy, but it also always makes you feel so much better after.  The same thing goes for your mind, body and soul.  Investing the time to unveil things which aren’t serving your higher good and then releasing them is part of putting your internal house in order and guaranteed to make you feel better.

All these little steps can add up to help you make some big leaps with your Spiritual Awakening.  Step by step day by day each little bit of effort will help you reach your goal of awakening spiritually and raising your vibration.  It’s my hope that this article has helped you in some way and makes you feel more hopeful moving forward.