Category Archives: 3rd Eye Protection – Raise your Frequency

Raise your Vibrational Frequency – Raising your Vibration for 3rd Eye Protection

This article was inspired by a video by jbittersweet.  Special thanks to bittersweet!  Please also watch the video here:  Raise your Vibrational Frequency – Raising your Vibration for 3rd Eye Protection

Everything is vibrating at a certain frequency since everything is made up of energy – frequency is everything!!!  From lights to plants, animals, you, me… me and you!

Raise your Vibrational Frequency – Raising your Vibration for 3rd Eye Protection

Thoughts and emotions vibrate at various levels, positive thoughts and emotions vibrate at a higher level than negative thoughts and emotions.  Being cautious and cautionary thoughts and emotions vibrate a different level than happy thoughts and emotions.

Happier thoughts = higher vibrations = divine awakening & ultimate divinity.

Avoid anger and hatred and all negative thought waves and transmute them into positive thought waves.  Here’s 13 techniques to help you raise your vibration.

3rd eye protection - raise your frequency
3rd eye protection – raise your frequency

Technique # 1:  Do something that makes you feel really good and is good for you!  Feeling good is the key to being happy and being happy is the key to raising your vibration just like Jesus did.  He teaches us the I AM that I AM is within each of us and that unlocking the I AM that I AM in each of us is part of knowing God and connecting with Source.

Technique # 2:  Wear natural stone crystals and / or surround yourself and your home with natural stone crystals.  Carrying a crystal in your pocket is one easy way to help raise your vibration or wearing a crystal stone bracelet.  You may also wish to surround your home in crystals and even your car.  To pick a stone crystal simply hold one in your hand and see if it feels good.  Don’t think about it too much, but instead go with the feeling.  If it feels good it’s probably good for you / what you need.  Different crystals will resonate with different people depending on your current personal vibration and energy makeup since each person has their own unique makeup.

Technique # 3:  Pay attention to your thoughts and words and do not gossip about others, but instead replace all your thoughts and words with positively positive ones.  Visit this link with positively positive affirmations to help get you started:  Positively Positive Affirmations for today, tomorrow…   Heaven is what you create within your very being, your essential essence.  Aside from no sin, nothing negative exists in heaven.  Only positive loving ideas, thoughts and emotions.  So set aside anything not “heavenly” in nature.

Technique # 4:  Take a mindful shower!  Being mindful means paying attention to little things and appreciating these little things that we often take for granted.  For example:

  1. a cute cat / dog
  2. a blue bird
  3. a red robin
  4. the gorgeous green grass
  5. golden yellow sunshine
Cute cat & dog
Cute cat & dog

Technique # 5: Eat Healthy Foods and eat light to be right.  Eating vegetarian and fruit, eggs and nuts is far better for you than eating heavy meat which will weigh you down.  Weighing you down takes away from your inner light as does harming animals that are involved in the meat production process.  This is a tough one for many, but if you can start by doing it 2 or 3 x’s per week then your tastes will change and you’ll see some positive results which will help motivate you.  As you become more conscious of what happens to the animals you may decide you just aren’t attracted to animal meat anymore.  Also keep in mind that the body only uses food that carries light in it like leafy green vegetables and brightly coloured fruit for example.  Other types of food are mostly just for pleasure and weigh you down diminishing your inner light.

Technique # 6:  Help others and share!  Helping others always feels good and it will get you beyond thinking about yourself.  Think outside of the box.  Helping someone carry a box or just opening the door for them can be a great help and so simple.  Little helpful things like this can go a long way, especially if someone is already having a long day!

Technique # 7:  Be thankful!  Sounds simple right?  But how often do we take little things for granted instead of realizing there are likely a million people who would trade places with us if they had the chance.  Yes, a million!  Just think about that.  Thank you for this delicious cup of coffee, thank you for this mouthwatering meal, thank you for savoury sweet!

Technique # 8:  Listen to high vibration music like 528 Mghz which you can find on YouTube and avoid listening to music rooted in lower vibrations like anger and hatred.  Try listening to this one for starters:  Spiritual Love – Raising Your Vibrational Frequency Into A Field Of Pure Love  special thanks to pathofspirituality.

Technique # 9.  Share.  Sharing always feels good and it doesn’t have to be something big.  Sometimes the little things, like sharing a smile are priceless compared to bigger things which may cost more $$$.  You may also like to share your knowledge or share your resources.

Technique # 10.  Keep fit and exercise.  Keeping fit helps to release those natural “happy” feel good chemicals in your brain and it’s free!  Free to go walking anytime any day so take advantage of this.  Put on your red hat and dance away!

Technique # 11.  Connect with nature as often as possible.  Nature is God’s natural healer available to all of us 24/7 day in and day out so get back to nature as often as possible.

Connect with nature - pretty red rose flowers.
Connect with nature – pretty red rose flowers.

Technique # 12.  Play with animals or kids.  Playing with animals or kids unveils unconditional love and who couldn’t use some unconditional love even if it’s just for 5 to 10 minutes.  It will help you to be a happy camper!!

Technique # 13.  Get your house in order!  Get your mind, body and soul in order too!  Cleaning always takes a bit of energy, but it also always makes you feel so much better after.  The same thing goes for your mind, body and soul.  Investing the time to unveil things which aren’t serving your higher good and then releasing them is part of putting your internal house in order and guaranteed to make you feel better.

All these little steps can add up to help you make some big leaps with your Spiritual Awakening.  Step by step day by day each little bit of effort will help you reach your goal of awakening spiritually and raising your vibration.  It’s my hope that this article has helped you in some way and makes you feel more hopeful moving forward.